$Id$ Changes made to QuickNotepad plugin for jEdit 4.2: (1) The following property was added: plugin.QuickNotepadPlugin.activate=defer This informs jEdit the plugin is using the new API, and that it should only be loaded the first time it is accessed by the user. (2) The createMenuItems() method of the plugin core class has been removed. The plugin menu is now specified with the following property: plugin.QuickNotepadPlugin.menu=... list of menu items ... (3) The createOptionPanes() method of the plugin core class has been removed. The plugin option pane is now specified with the following property: plugin.QuickNotepadPlugin.option-pane=quicknotepad (4) The QuickNotepad class (the dockable window) implements the new DefaultFocusComponent interface, and the following method was added to this class: public void focusOnDefaultComponent() { textArea.requestFocus(); }